Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Small Tease

ok so im working out the kinks, yes it keeps changing. just going along with a lot of experimental issues. what i have so far is a test render shot and im kinda loving the look so far. I'm going to soon do some limited animation on the character and fish to see how well it works before i dive into the whole 2.5D look.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Super Update!

Since Senior 1 class, I have run into complications such as copyright issues and what not so as a quick solution I will just update this entire blog and everything that I am doing. Clean slate again I suppose.

One Synopsis
: A girl wakes up to her room full of fishes and a ghost boy, are they real or just a dream?


The title of my senior Film is called "Fish Dreams". I am basing my concept and taking inspiration from Sandy Skoglund's "Revenge of the Goldfish." I intend for this film to be in 3D, with heavily stylized and illustrative characters. I want to showcase texturing and lighting so the animation will be at a minimum. Although there are two characters, the story revolve around Francesca de Luca. "Fish Dreams" is about the girl waking up and going about her usual day while experiencing old memories. I want the film to represent a point in time and memories. It is based on the intimate and quiet moments.

Location and Characters

I am changing the environment from a 4 corner room to something more stylized. It's an imitation of a shell so there's a lot more organic forms and flow. This is in response to the copyright issues i mentioned before. I suppose the idea will fit better for the overall water and memory elements. Here are the posted pictures for my finale. Now i can actually start modeling the environment.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pitch Poster

slightly finalized but i have a feeling i wont be going back to it unless its to change the font.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


ok so this WILL not be the final model or used at all. i guess u can call it bad practice so until i get to good practice this will probably sit in my student drive and collect dust.

anyways enjoy my fruitless hard labor. this thing have made me foamed at the sides of my mouth and sweat buckets of blood.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cinematic Referance

another reference i had in mind a while ago. i really love those still japanese anime shots. the mood is usually tranquil and melancholic. im totally geeky about things like posing shots of inanimate objects to reflect stories and characters.

She and Her Cat

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Inspriration for Character Design

just as the title says...these are my inspired illustrations as well as great reference.


Character Concept/Development

Back with the character stuff. I am finally settled on what i want the characters to look. My entire film will be very stylized and experimental so for that the girl and boy will be reflected with an illustrative style. The picture with the girl and boy is my final design, also shows that i am heavily influenced by Audrey Kawasaki. Her illustrations are gorgeous as i am a huge fun of the downcasted bedroom eyes. I have other drawings here to show various styles the girl can be in but mostly everything is still rough to keep it fast and simple. I will have more finalized drawings soon.

Thanks for visiting.

Senior Film

So, hi there. My senior film is called Fish Dreams. It took me sometime to develop a story because i only had bits and pieces to work off of themes i liked. I wanted to keep it slightly melancholic and subtle, which is all low concept. However, I finally found the glue that would hold everything i wanted together after seeing Sandy Skoglund's Revenge of the Goldfish. It's definately my poster inspiration, i was able to complete the story after interpreting the photograph and weaved in ideas of what i liked.

Basically my story is about the main character in the process of closure. She wakes up by herself and goes about her day normally and as she passes through the morning, memories are triggered. Her past love appears each time she comes in contact with the goldfish. i decided to personify those fishes as lingering memories or ghost memories as to physically show the audience what goes on in her head. The whole concept of memory is that its intangible and fleeting. When you go through your day, there are times when memories will drift through, untamed and uncontrollable. i wanted to show that even though these are her past love memories that they are merely floating through just like water and so fishes came into play. The room will change each time it passes through her signifying her past and current world. Although in the present she has gotten rid of the items that reminded her of the past, the goldfishes are physically seen by the audience. Memories are embedded with time and places even if the interior or exterior is changed and so the room itself becomes a living memory. However, the overall story is that she walks past the triggered moments and not lay on it, going about her morning as usual.

I did not want a big story and so i am focusing on visuals and aesthetics that will enhance my concept. Although, there is a love background but its hardly emphasized and irrelevant to the audience as to who she is and who her past lover was. I am particularly focused on creating that intimate feeling when a person is alone to themselves. Personally, i feel that those waking and intimate moments are special because it goes unseen. I want the room to reflect that feeling as well because it is part of the character as the character is apart of the room.